Understanding Picket Lines

Letter from Local 1857 and District 250.

Your decision is a matter of ethics and loyalty. Honouring a picket line shows solidarity with the workers on strike, their union, and the labour movement. Refusing to cross a picket line sends a strong message to the employer that the business cannot continue as usual until they resolve the dispute with their employees.

While you are expected to report to work as usual, you are also encouraged to refrain from taking on the work of those on strike. If you’re unsure whether you have to cross a picket line, it’s important to note that there are no specific provisions in the Labour Relations Code that allow non-striking employees to refuse to cross a picket line.

When a strike is called, a coworker crossing the picket line and going to work can weaken the union’s bargaining power and collective strength. Picket lines serve to visibly highlight the ongoing dispute, raise public awareness of the workers’ grievances, and garner external support.

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