BC Employment standards
The law in B.C. sets standards for payment, compensation and working conditions in most workplaces. The standards promote open communication, fair treatment and work-life balance for employees.
BC Labour Relations Board
an administrative tribunal whose job is to resolve issues that arise under the Labour Relations Code (the Code).
Canadian Labour Congress
The largest labour organization in Canada
BC Federation of Labour
This site is a resource to find the labour movements position in the provincial climate for the working person.
BC Fed Occupational Health & Safety Centre
BC New Democratic Party
The provincial N.D.P. contains information on their policies.
WorkSafebc.com – WCB of BC
The Workers Compensation Board provides Health and Safety information.
BC Labour Heritage Centre Society
The Society preserves, documents and presents the rich history of working people in British Columbia.
The Film Festival tells the stories of workers – unionised and non-unionised.